Thursday, January 6, 2011

Barbara Wagner, Democratic Executive Committee Member, 8th District

I have resisted the temptation to respond to the massive number of emails on the subject, up till now. As a second term Executive Committee member that has been involved locally for nearly 20 years I could not agree with Mike more. Thank you MIKE!

I FULLY and COMPLETELY support Chip Forrester for Chair of TNDP and will cast my vote as such on Saturday (providing I can get there).

I do believe Matt and Wade have some good ideas and a reasonable level of experience, and hope to see them active and working with us in the future. They each have skills and assets that would certainly benefit the Party. I also hope to see the College and Young Dems involved in ways that have yet to be put on the table. The future is in our young people!

One thing is absolutely certain, the circular firing squad approach will not work to achieve our goals.
I do not believe that mistakes have not occurred. I believe there is always room for improvement - and Chip has a history of listening and being quite open to suggestions, new tactics and improvement. Just look at his record! Chip is not to blame for the tidal wave that took our whole country by storm. Many words of wisdom on this have already been said, so I will not lament. I will repeat - Chip is NOT to blame for the losses. What we saw in November was the country catching up with slide to a deaply red Tennessee that has been in the making since Al Gore left the US Senate.

Unity could not be more important - regardless of the outcome of the vote.
Real Democrats will be by the winer's side - working, financially supporting, learning and mentoring.
Barbara Wagner
8th District

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