Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mike K. Hampton; Executive Committeeman District 1, Tennessee Democratic Party; Chair, Unicoi County Democratic Party

For years, the state party virtually neglected east Tennessee. It was seen as a lost cause, but what many failed to realize was this allowed Republicans, who ran unopposed, and were amassing large amounts of money, to send this money into middle and west Tennessee. Look where this failed and short sighted policy has lead us? Republican control of our state! A few democratic leaders (Ned McWherther and Bill Clinton) knew all too well, the key to winning Tennessee... win the whole state!

For the last two years, and the first time since I can remember, the State Party, under the leadership of Chip Forrester has provided everyone (including east Tennessee) with the tools we need to build strong county parties. He has done this across the state. Anyone willing to work for the Democratic Party has exactly the kind of support and technology they need to effectively organize the counties and implement a strategic plan to spread democratic principles. President Obama taught us this winning strategy and Chip was wise enough to embrace it. The foundation has been laid.

I am friends with several of the candidates running for the office of chair, but I am concerned that a change in leadership now, without any justification, at this critical time, will result in a change in focus away from a strong foundation that I believe has been laid and will rebuild our party stronger.

The middle class and poor of Tennessee need a champion, historically it has been the Democratic Party and it will be the Democratic Party again. There are many good men in this race but there is only one strong proven candidate for state chair and that person is Chip Forrester.

Democratically yours,

Mike K. Hampton
Executive Committeeman
District 1, Tennessee Democratic Party

Chair, Unicoi County Democratic Party

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