Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mike Dockery, Democratic Candidate and former chair Jefferson County Democratic Party

I endorse Chairman Chip Forrester for re-election to the Chairman's position in the TNDP. My qualifications for this endorsement are two years service as Jefferson County Democratic Chair and service as a Democratic candidate for State Representative in the 2010 elections. During this time, my experience of the TNDP under Chairman Forrester has been, overall, very positive. I have found a very aggressive and professional approach to the different facets of politics. From fundraising to grassroots organization, communications and software utilization to media management, I was given more than adequate instruction and training opportunities. A central theme to all this was the urgency of the Democratic position in our state and the fact that we party members could make a difference through organization and hard work.
Chairman Forrester, as the rest of his staff, has always been personally available to me for advise or direction. All calls and emails drew timely responses.
I do feel that Chairman Forrester has set a direction for the Party that will serve us well in the years to come. A well trained and well organized party is the only way that we can proceed into the future. Now is NOT the time to change leadership.
Thank you for your time. Please feel free to contact me.
Sincerely, Mike Dockery.

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